The Farm Stand    

25 Swanton Rd.
Davenport, CA 95017

Open All Year

Hours are 8am to 8pm Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day, 8am to 6pm in the Fall and Spring, and 8am to 5pm in the Winter. Stop by to experience our amazing seasonal offerings.

Homemade Jams

are available for purchase at the farm stand and online, including Strawberry Olallieberry, Strawberry Citrus, Strawberry Rhubarb, Tayberry and Loganberry along with our beloved Strawberry, Olallieberry and Blackberry.

Tasty Organic Treats

including Jim's famous fruit cake (the real deal) blackberry cobbler, strawberry shortcake, our amazing truffles, hot strawberry-apple cider, hot farm made soup as well as Swanton T-Shirts.

Hanging Out at the Farm Stand:

We have a collection of vintage table games, wonderful history and nature displays and of course we always have good music playing. A 10% bicycle-in discount is offered at both the U-Pick and the Farm Stand.

Take a Self-Guided Tour

of the field nearby, and observe the plants and animals that share the farm with us. Inside, check out our extensive photo exhibit and learn something about the history of farming along the Coast.

Take Something Home,

we offer wholesale prices on full flats of our premium fresh-picked berries, frozen berries picked and packed at the peak of the season, and cases of our jams. Sometimes we have strawberry seconds that we sell as "jam flats". They are also perfect for freezing (just wash and cut off the tops) or for a strawberry shortcake party.