Grocery Partners

  • Whole Foods, Northern California Region Stores
  • Rainbow Grocery and Real Foods, San Francisco
  • Monterey Market, Berkeley
  • Good Eath, Fairfax
  • New Leaf Community Markets, in Half Moon Bay, Felton, and Santa Cruz.
  • Eli's Vinegar Factory, New York

The greengrocer is just as much a part of the Farm as we are: he or she is our link to our customer. We encourage our grocery partners to visit the farm and learn about what we do. We, in turn, depend on them to tell us what they need us to do to assure that our product arrives on our customers’ tables in the best condition possible. A knowledgeable and committed produce worker has a very important and often under-appreciated role in our society. Imagine a community where the local grocer not only knows a great deal about the produce on his or her ‘stand’, but knows exactly where it came from and who grew it.

Very few markets are willing to spend the extra time and money which is required to do a really professional job with their produce. We are fortunate to have found a number of produce partners with whom we work very closely. We have very long and successful relationships with Rainbow Market, Whole Foods Market, Monterey Market, Real Foods Market, and New Leaf Market in Felton. During the strawberry season, you can always find our berries in these Bay Area stores. And during May, you can find our berries at Eli’s Vinegar Factory in New York.

Our fruits and vegetables are also available through several distributors including Veritable Vegetable, Earl's Organics, and Greenleaf Produce. They are featured on the menus of numerous Bay Area restaurants. Special thanks go to Alice Waters of Chez Panisse, our first and favorite restaurant customer.